The Hanseatic Days
The Hanseatic Days are an event marking the modern Hanseatic city association established in 1980. This association is now one of the world’s largest volunteer associations, with 186 member cities and towns. The purpose is to revitalize and increase awareness of the Hanseatic history of the member cities and to promote inter-city cooperation. Experience the Hanseatic Days in Bergen on June 9th through the 12th.
The cities exchange expertise, work on common projects in tourism, industry, and networking, and gather yearly for the Hanseatic Days. The Hanseatic Days are held in different destinations every year, and after a 20-year hiatus Bergen will again host the international Hanseatic Days from June 9th through the 12th. More than 70 cities have RSVP’d and will add their unique mark to the city and the event itself. The 2016 Hanseatic Days will be a great and content-rich event for the entire family, where you will find a bountiful market filled with culture, food, and information from around 90 cities in the Hanseatic Network, including Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, and the Balkans. The event will also feature concerts, entertainment, a hanseatic market, meetings, historic walks, a port festival, a hanseatic party, and more. The Town Square Day (40 years) and the Farmers Market will also be folded into the event.
The Hanseatic Days
The Hanseatic Days are an event marking the modern Hanseatic city association established in 1980. This association is now one of the world’s largest volunteer associations, with 186 member cities and towns. The purpose is to revitalize and increase awareness of the Hanseatic history of the member cities and to promote inter-city cooperation. Experience the Hansa Days in Bergen on June 9th through the 12th.
The cities exchange expertise, work on common projects in tourism, industry, and networking, and gather yearly for the Hanseatic Days. The Hanseatic Days are held in different destinations every year, and after a 20-year hiatus Bergen will again host the international Hanseatic Days from June 9th through the 12th. More than 70 cities have RSVP’d and will add their unique mark to the city and the event itself. The 2016 Hanseatic Days will be a great and content-rich event for the entire family, where you will find a bountiful market filled with culture, food, and information from around 90 cities in the Hanseatic Network, including Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, and the Balkans. The event will also feature concerts, entertainment, a hanseatic market, meetings, historic walks, a port festival, a hanseatic party, and more. The Town Square Day (40 years) and the Farmers Market will also be folded into the event.